



创办于1992年的GDC平面设计在中国展(Graphic Design in China)是中国首个面向全球的大型综合性设计竞赛年展活动,目前已经成为华人地区影响最大,水平最高,并且最具权威和公正性的设计盛典。


Mobilization Posters for GDC11:GDC is the first large-scale comprehensive design campaign in China towards the globe since year 1992. It runs every two years with themed design competition, exhibitions and other activities. It was founded by Shenzhen Graphic Design Association (SGDA) as a predecessor as Graphic Design in China. This campaign has become the most influential with highest quality and the most authoritative and impartial design festival in great China area.

The designing of GDC11 poster who use a tape collage, Chinese calligraphy, the label of mix and other techniques, showing with Chinese elements, free style of US and Europe, which also into kinds of rich visual impact of color, showing Chinese and Western, free designing. To take the hope that more designers are touched with the affection, to participate in activities to GDC11.
